Title: Too Close For Comfort
Pairing(s): Yesung/Sungmin
Rating: R
Genre: ...Non-graphic smut, at least.
Disclaimer: Contrary to popular belief, no one owns them.
Warning: PWP; tease!Sungmin, whipped!Jongwoon; what else is new?
Summary: In Sungmin’s opinion, one can always make time for sex, so what’s wrong with a quick dalliance in an elevator?
However, when Sungmin’s hand traversed to the front of his jeans; that was when Jongwoon knew for sure that Sungmin’s actions were calculated and not unintentional like Jongwoon had originally thought. )
Is it really? It's so hard to think of your own written smut as hot, trust me. ;A; Yep, Sungmin is pretty much a naughty little minx who can't really be controlled by Yesung... Especially Yesung LOL. Doesn't Yesung seem whipped to you whenever it's the two of them? (Or maybe it's just my biased mind planting thoughts into my brain again...) None of them top outright here, even if Sungmin was the one controlling most of the action. XD ...I don't think I have enough resilience to type a sequel with more graphic smut. I apologise. ;~~~~~; orz
What scene after that? You mean- Oh. Brief sex scene is brief; it's actually really tame in comparison with 99% of smut fics out there. D': Writing too much detail makes me cringe somewhat, so yeah. ;~; Fitting photo is good for conjuring up images, no? XD My OT3 will always be there... Don't know when I'll actually even start on the fic LOL.
I'm really pleased that you do, Den~ ^^
Thank you for reading and commenting! :D
LMAO!! That's why I vowed never to write smut...I think I'll just embarrass myself to death :D Yeah,,Yesung seems pretty whipped whenever's Min's there..(Yo Sungmin!! You're the boss...xDDD!!)
Yeah,,its just a mild BJ compared to what I've read before :D Can't wait for that OT3!!!
I was pretty much the same...and then my friend provided me with images that could only go away after I wrote them into a smut fic. ;~~~~~; I am currently still in denial whenever I see this fic, hiding in a burrow in shame. orz Yesung's always whipped when it comes to my non-AU! fics...the poor guy; I should probably give him a break. (At least he's fine in the fic verse LOL.)
Krying at the 'mild BJ'; even that was hard to type out. OTL We'll see when they appear! XD
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