Title: Too Close For Comfort
Pairing(s): Yesung/Sungmin
Rating: R
Genre: ...Non-graphic smut, at least.
Disclaimer: Contrary to popular belief, no one owns them.
Warning: PWP; tease!Sungmin, whipped!Jongwoon; what else is new?
Summary: In Sungmin’s opinion, one can always make time for sex, so what’s wrong with a quick dalliance in an elevator?
However, when Sungmin’s hand traversed to the front of his jeans; that was when Jongwoon knew for sure that Sungmin’s actions were calculated and not unintentional like Jongwoon had originally thought. )
I have yet to see Kangin's face when he discovered the salt ball LOL. When I'm back at home, I'll search for that EHB episode in my hard drive. ^^ Though, i-is it a good expression or a bad one? ;A;
...Awkward scene is awkward lol. orz Jongwoon obviously answered that because being together with Sungmin brings out awkward moments. *nods* I JEST. Sungmin had been planning his moves soon after he saw Jongwoon sprint towards the washroom, so...nothing can stop him. XD
Hot? Really? I'm ticking off 'writing decent, believable YeMin smut' on my checklist then! ...But there wasn't much action going on, tbh! D: LOL; what have you been doing in my journal for the past few months then? XD Oh you. :>>> Kyuhyun is wanted by many, so good luck to you!
...That scene LOL. I gave up with trying to slot in the word 'armpit' so I changed the action altogether. XD You're a smart one for spotting it. 8D
More smut? There will probably be only YeMin smut for me; you know that. XD Maybe, maybe... *glances at YeMin smut ideas* 8DDD Of course. The picture is made of win. ;>
Thank you for reading and commenting! :D
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