collaboration (fic/art/podfic): Bullet in the Dark

Jul 17, 2011 12:05

Title: Bullet in the Dark
Author: zeto
Artist: staticlights
Read by: ohmydarlingdear
Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Rating: PG
Word count: approx. 1,000
Summary: Arthur's first time in the field.
Warnings: language, peripheral character death. pre-slash.
A/N: so sometimes, I podfic. this is a collab I did for ae_match for the prompts fall, fear, and overwhelmed representing team angst. (this was actually my first time podficcing ever but shhh! that's a secret!) go check it out because my fellow collaborators' writing and artwork are so, so beautiful and deserve all the love in the world ok.

( He's young. Maybe too young, they think. )

written for: a/e match, fandom: inception, genre: backstory, type: podfic, pairing: arthur/eames, genre: angst, rating: pg

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