Jan 06, 2006 19:41
i remember
it's about my last name. it's sang, for those of you that don't know.
see, my great granfather was from scotland. there was a mandatory draft for all men there, so he ran away. i spose he had his reasons. but he ended up in canada. there, he met some french people, and he picked up a little of the language.
at some time, he decided to move to the us. the new york/boston area speciafically. so he did.
he was a little guy, about five foot three. he ended up working with some BIG GUY masons. so he needed to look tough, essentially, in order to make a living.
in french, sangre means blood. so he changed his name to "sang", and told them it was a derivative of the french word.
so that's how i got my last name