Jul 24, 2009 05:46
How to play:
Find pictures that match the clues below, and post them in comments here. Though it’s not required, you are welcome to challenge yourself by finding more then one picture that matches each clue. You can resize the pictures if you want to, and please follow any rules the person who scanned if you can. Magazine scans, screen shots and gifs are all accepted, but do aim for higher quality if you can. XD
1. Nino sitting on Ohno’s lap
2. A failed Ohmiya SK pose
3. Ohmiya in an exotic place
4. Ohno watching Nino eat
5. Ohno and Nino both have stubble, even if it’s just 5 o’clock shadow
6. Nino handing Ohno a towel
7. Nino staring at Ohno’s nipples
8. An Omiya ‘epic’ glomp
9. Ohno looking like the seme, Nino the uke
10. An image that will ABSOLUTELY make someone fall in love with Ohmiya, instantly
There will be additional clues added as these are completed, so if you’re wanting to play, or just want to watch the Ohmiya pic-spam, please check back again.
Happy picture hunting!