How to play:
Write a drabble or short fic in a comment using the 3 words, genre and pairing given by the person who commented and wrote a drabble previously. You can write a drabble for a prompt that's already been used. Every commenter playing the game must reply with a drabble using a prompt given here AND a prompt for the next person
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Taka glanced at the person behind the X-ray screen clicking lazily at her mouse. Then he stared at the backpack Yuuji held in his hands. It had taken extreme manipulation to make the cannon fit inside at all, yet the sides still bulged out to an unprecedented extent.
"I don’t know, Yuuji, maybe we should just take the boat..."
"It'll be okay! Just remember what we practiced."
With that Yuuji plopped the equivocal backpack on the conveyor belt and watched the X-ray screen carefully. When the moment seemed right, he boomed in a loud voice, “TAKA. IT’S TIME FOR FINAL LOVE!”
All eyes, including the Clicking Lady’s, fell on him as he puts his hands around Taka’s face, saying, “I-tada-kimasu!”
And a quick peck on the lips later the whimsical pair of travelers found themselves sailing through the checkpoint, cannon and all. The Clicking Lady had to get replaced by the Clicking Man, though. Something about a heart attack.
Sorry it was a bit on the long side. Anyway, I'd be extremely happy if someone could do:
Pair: Ohmiya
Genre/Theme: Guitar Hero
Words: fail, high, exasperation
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