Title:Controversy (Part 1/2)
Pairings:Anyone you want
Disclaimer:I own nothing but the plot
Word Count:72
Summary:It always starts with little things and from thereon, things gets worse.
A/N:This specific fic has a continuation word to it. There's a link after the ellipses.
Fanfic Masterpost 1-100 Masterpost ++++++++++
It was always about the same thing, but every time they touched the subject it got worse.
One would say this, the other would get mad.
When the other gets mad, the one who spoke first would only make things worse.
When things gets worse, they refuse to speak to each other.
And when they refused to speak to each other, the gap between them would just get larger every second.
However... >>>
Harmony ~~~~
Comments are <3!
Day 83 |
Day 85