Title: A dare
Pairings: Sakuraiba, Ohmiya (hinted)
Genre: Comedy, fluff
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Fiction! :)
"Shut up Nino, I'm not interested." Jun muttered.
"Come on! Just a really quick one!" The gamer insisted with a wink.
"If you keep talking like that I'm gonna throw up on your DS..." The youngest threatened.
"What's going on?" Sho asked as he sat next to the other two on the sofa.
The five members of Arashi had a break before filming and were occupying themselves as well as they could.
"I'm bored..." Nino sighed. "So I was just giving Jun a dare."
"What dare?" the newscaster asked curiously.
Nino nodded towards Aiba who was flicking through pages of his drama script, at the table on the other side of the room.
"To go kiss him. On the lips."
Sho lifted an eyebrow. "And... why would you dare something like that?"
Nino chuckled. "Curiosity as to how he would react; wanting to play a prank on him; but mostly, boredom." He counted on three fingers.
"So Jun doesn't want to...?" Sho asked.
"Have you guys forgotten I happen to have a girlfriend?" Jun asked, lazily turning a page of his magazine.
"I want you to kiss him Jun, not sleep with him..." Nino said rolling his eyes, which earned him a painful kick.
"Why don't you ask Ohno when he gets back from the bathroom?" The rapper asked.
There was a pause, then Nino turned to frown at Sho. "Because he would say yes..." He said slowly, as though his friend was stupid.
The newscaster chuckled, ignoring the insulting tone.
"But why don't you give it a try Sho-kun?" Nino asked, his tone suddenly sweet as honey.
"I don't think so..."
"Come on!! Aren't you even a little curious how it would feel? How he would react? Aiba's surprised face is so funny!"
Sho hated to admit it, but Nino had peaked his curiosity. And anyway, who knew what a bored Nino would do...
He sighed in exasperation. "You owe me one." He muttered before standing up. He heard Nino's excited giggle and Jun's dissaproving tsk.
He walked to the table, feeling his pulse speed up. It was ridiculous, why was he nervous about this? It was just a stupid dare... One of Nino's bratty whims.
Ok, he would just do it quickly, not even let himself think about it.
"Hey, Sho-chan?" Aiba asked curiously. But he could not say anymore as his friend had placed both hands on his shoulders, turned him towards him and pressed their lips together.
It was soft and sweet and quick and nothing more than a chaste kiss, but something in Sho moved.
When he pulled away only a moment later, Nino was laughing out loud, Jun was imitating retching noises, and Aiba was blinking, looking up at him in utter confusion.
"Sho... Why...?"
The older felt himself grin. Nino was right, Aiba's surprised face was incredibly comical.
Sho laughed nervously, not sure how to explain his curious behaviour.
Aiba gaze travelled between his friends in search of an answer.
"Em... Ni no Arashi?" he asked hesitantly.
Sho laughed. "No, not this time. This was a dare... Or an experiment... Although I guess it is kind of a joke in a way..." He turned to Nino who was now standing a bit further from the couch, safe from Jun's kicks, and still laughing.
"I see... " Aiba chuckled, apparently already over his surprise. "But Nino! Next time you do a kiss experiment. Can I be the one initiating it?" He asked cheerfully.
"Deal!" Nino exclaimed, giving him a thumbs up.
"What happened?" A sleepy voice came from the doorway.
"Hey Oh-chan, let's go get a drink, I'm thirsty." Nino said pushing Ohno back out. "Entertaining myself here is so tiring..."
"But I just got back..." The poor idol's protests were ignored.
Sho chuckled as he headed back to sit at the sofa. That pair never failed to amuse him.
He then frowned as he realized something.
If Nino was giving Aiba a dare, he would certainly not ask him to kiss Ohno. And if he tried to kiss Jun, he would probably get punched.
Today was maybe the first time he kissed Aiba, but it seemed there might be a second time coming...
... and what shocked him the most was that this idea did not bother him.
He glanced up at Aiba, who happened to be looking at him at that moment, and the younger man gave him a wink.
"I will walk out. Seriously. I will." Jun muttered tensely, keeping his eyes on the magazine.
Another one for the " a kiss and all was said" quest.
I tried to make it not too cheesy, but I think I failed...miserably... XD
Anyway, hope you got something out of it ^_^
Comments are loved!