Oct 19, 2008 20:23

*cough* So, yes, I apparently don't want good grades this term. Meh. Let me try to be organized about this now...

Aleyna (at BNS) and I want to put together a team to sub 5LDK. This will not be a weekly, I-don't-have-other-commitments release, but we'll see how much we can handle. If I don't get enough volunteers here, I will ask around at the TOKIO comms later, but I thought I'd test the waters around my f-list first.

Here's what we're thinking:

Base translator
Someone to add in the basic lines as much as they can understand. All the "yes," "is that so?," "oh really" types of lines. You don't need to have a ton of Japanese knowledge for this, and your English will be edited in the end. This is just to save the translator time so she can translate more things that fewer people can translate.^^
Volunteers: mystic_water_ , kazuh , jacinthe86

This is Aleyna, but if anyone wants to volunteer, that's be fantastic. The translator will take the base translations and fill in as much as they can.
Volunteers: Aleyna (ninchan♥)

I can do this, but I'd rather have someone else do it for me. XD I know there are subbers in the TOKIO fandom that don't get to sub much TOKIO because translators are few and far between, so please do pipe up here.^^
Volunteers: tomo_naki , lushtea  (Jeffer, mystic_water_, darkeyedwolf, kazuh )

I can also do this, and I will if no one experienced enough volunteers. Otherwise, the less I have to do, the faster releases will be and the higher my grades. :x
Volunteers: elenniel , x_strangerrr

Spot translator
en-chan? :D And anyone else that would like to help out is always welcome. ^___^ The spot translator fills in all the rest of the holes and corrects any mistranslations.
Volunteers: en-chan :P

Um, that's me, and maybe Aleyna. I'd consent to letting someone else be editor, though, if anyone volunteers. It'd be good if you knew or could learn just a bit about Aegisub since that's what we will be using for the subs.^^
Volunteers: Mine, mine, mine. :Dv I may share if I must...
*Editor: tomo_naki

This is another one I'll take unless someone experienced wants to do it. I've been known to have codec issues on occasion. :/ I may also just ask a BNS subber to do it, but they tend to have a lot of other stuff to do.
Volunteers: mystic_water_ 
*encoding guru: sekiei  XD

*Super-special uploader: nana_komatsu7  XD

If we still need more help, I'll ask existing BNS members about it, but we're kind of creating a 5LDK team here.^^

So, if you're interested in any position, please comment here. I guess since I have anon disabled only LJ users can do that, so if you want to get a hold of me outside of LJ, I'm Saragorn at BNS, and you can pm me there after joining. Or just make an LJ account. XD Even if someone else has volunteered for a position you'd like, please comment anyway, in case someone backs out or isn't in a position to help out. Seasoned subbers would be great, but we'll take in newbies and teach them the ropes if the seasoned subbers are all off subbing KAT-TUN and Arashi. XD Once you decide to join the team, I'll get you set up at BNS with my newly-acquired modly powers. >:D *grins evilly and rubs hands in glee*

That's it! Please sign up. ^___^

5ldk, subbing, tokio, bns

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