First things first! I didn't see anyone talk about this moment in their reviews, just gifs on tumblrs. This part broke me. Dean's obviously struggling from the start. If this episode hasn't helped him heal at all, then pretty soon, he's not going to be able to handle doing his job anymore. Of course, Show won't ever give him a break, so I think we're in for more pain before the end. :____;
*____* Um, wait, I was doing something, right? Posting, right. I'll...get right on that.
*snerk* <--I did a lot of this while watching. XD
I knew it wasn't gonna happen (because Show's not nice to Dean anymore), but I still shipped it.
Look at him flirting~~~
"Dead and sober. Double crappy." Pleeeeeeeeease delve deeper into Dean's problem with alcohol. You've all been enabling him for too long. Show him you care. *wibbles*
To work or drink? The answer is "both," Sam. Always has been... I'm glad he's saying something now. He just needs to push a little harder and push Dean too far and then create a rift and Dean's secret comes out and it's all so painful and nggggggh.
The bitchface is never gone for long.
Is it just me, or is that phrasing (we specialize in crazy) not the best way to calm a target down and get him to trust you and do what you want?
Perfect hair, monster sideburns. PLEASE, JARED'S STYLIST, RECTIFY THIS MISTAKE.
Men and sports, I swear... XD
He makes a lot of these gestures this episode. :(
*snerks again* This show really makes it too easy. XD
All my tears for Dean. All of them. ;____;
You both deserved better, Dean. Every good person on the show does, but them's the breaks. :/
Maybe if enough people tell him, he'll actually start to believe it. (lol right...)
I SHIP IT. But they're so cute as family/collegues...except when Dean's claiming responsibility for her actions because she couldn't possibly be her own person and a hunter.
This action, taking it from him while he doesn't even bother fighting it... DEAN, YOU DON'T DESERVE TO DIE. STOP IIIIIT. *cries*
Two guesses as to which scene I liked, and the first one doesn't count.
I wanted him to be more like Hammer of the Gods gods, or Death, but I'll take sassy!Osiris, sure. :D
Stay sassy, Osiris.
lol The raging courtroom stereotypes, I can't. XD
Sam, you can object to a God without the bitchface. It's safer. XD
People kept laughing at this, but... I have NO idea what they're talking about. XD
Sam feels good and not at all guilty. He's really grown and changed, considering how guilty he felt about EVERYTHING in previous seasons. Here's hoping Dean can grow in a healthy direction too, for once!
I WANT TO SEE THIS ON CAMERA, PLEASE. Someone made Sassy Gay Lucy criticizing Sam's clothes at SPNP and it made my day. XD
There is a lack of Misha and Sebastian in this post. There, fixed!
From the next episode:
Hell fucking yes. :D
And, since I don't recall seeing this posted anywhere, and it's no longer spoilery:
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