Korean fun! \:D/

Mar 07, 2010 13:03

I'm rewatching the drama "What's up, Fox?" because it's so cute. XD

He's such a cutie, seriously. *____* She's only kidding herself; she totally digs him. XD

mmmmmm... I'm so shallow. :Db

I watched a...pretty crappy movie because those two guys are so delicious. XD It would have been an OK movie if there weren't more breasts than I ever need to see in a lifetime packed into one movie. D: I don't know... It was kind of cool how they had parallel perspectives going on at once, like people imagining or hallucinating things... The first guy can't get over a girl who left him and he's bipolar... Anyway, it's... Searching for the Elephant, if you're shallow like me curious. XD

Oh, Big Bang.&hearts Never stop crossdressing... XD

big bang, caps, drama, korea

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