Dec 31, 2009 20:36

First: I've finally downloaded that giant 6 GB .ts file at jpopsuki, but I really need a smaller .avi, and for fuck's sake, give me 1280x720 resolution - my poor laptop choked on that huge HD resolution. DDDD: Found! :D

OK, I'm just going to type up some stuff that happened up to now, then keep editing as I watch - otherwise, I won't remember anything, and I want to start spazzing with people now! 8D So far, I'd rate this one in between 2008 and 2007, leaning toward good. :Db

- MA - :D All three, together, dancing in the back. I'd like them in the front at some time, but I doubt it. It's OK, they're juniors!
- KAT-TUN - lol Jin seemed really out of it during Real Face or something, because it was like he was singing random notes when he normally has this one wordless part...
- TOKIO - Um, Gussan's hair has gone from cute to amusing to kind of sad. D:
- Toma - Actually there, singing! :Dv Aw~ I like how he got his own on-screen intro with his name~
- Eito - They had some synching issues that lead to them singing off beat, I think, and I've noticed Subaru especially has that problem (Sorafune last year, anyone? D:) BUT OMG, THEY DRESSED UP AS NINJAS FOR OMATSURI NINJA. I LOVE THAT SONG. I DON'T KNOW NINJA THAT WELL, BUT I LIKE THAT ONE SONG OF THEIRS.&hearts
- HSJ - I guess some of them are old enough to be there after midnight now, aw... That means less screen time for my sempai... :(
- T&T - Why is Tackey off somewhere else again? D: *is disappointed* Well... Tsubasa looks nice, but Tackey is really wearing too much clothes to be soaking wet like that. XD Um... Oh right, Ai Kakumei is as silly as usual, and I still like :Dv
- Arashi - ...I don't have anything to say yet, really, but I've had some awesomeness spoiled for me at the Eito comm (D:!!), so there will be something to say later
- KinKi Kids - No kisses yet, but I have seen different people hugging and hanging off Kou-chan, so I guess that'll do. Tsuyo's voice is nice as always (when he sings the right part LOL), but that hat has got to go...
- V6 - It almost looks like they're wearing the same pink suits from 2007... XD Also, it was really cute how their kouhai on another platform were dancing to their song while they sang~
- TORAJI HAIJI - FUCK. YEAH. 8Dv Wait, I need to explain? XD
~ Lots and lots of intergroup cuteness, really~ I'm sure someone else will cap it before I get an .avi version to use, but it's nice. Well, except I don't really get NagasexJin. WTH? D:
~ I love singing along to the daisempai songs! I hope Higashi-san shows up... *___*

- TOMAPI&hearts
- Ohno and Inocchi, goofing around, pulling Tsuyo into it... XD
- Tsubasa showed up where Tackey was!!! *_____* WAKE UP DESIRE! LIGHT UP YOUR FIRE! *dances like a dork* 8DDDD Also, I do like Nikki, he seems pretty cool.
...I want a new T&T icon from that Venus perf. XD

EITOXARASHI WARMS MY LITTLE HEART. *_____* I mean, they learned the choreography and everything! And lol, they all got to say "sukiyanen," instead of just three + Ohno's "suki dayo!" XD LOL Eito almost look rude with their preparation for Arashi's song, after that. XD

Ooh, yay! I love Ai Sareru yori Ai shitai. 8D While NEWS is singing, there was something else... Ah, yeah, Maachin and Yone were dancing earlier, with Toma and Uchi on either side, but I didn't see Yaracchi... :( <-- I was hoping that meant he'd be in a song after that, but I didn't notice - not that I really paid attention. XD

...Out of all the groups, they had TOKIO sing KAT-TUN? D: OK, so while watching Leader sing KAT-TUN is pretty amusing, I would have liked KinKi or V6 a lot... Well, at least V6 got to sing Uwasa no Kissu. XD

Damn, I knew Matchy'd show up. I really don't like him... D: Ooh yay, TOKIO's playing instruments! Y'know, 'cause they're a band. XD lol Matchy has a giant fleet of Johnnys dancing behind him... I'm still hoping for Higashi-san, because he rocks my socks. :D

Aw, I like Midnight Shuffle, even if Matchy's there to sing his own song. I love the random cross-group hugging that goes on during the daisempai songs.&hearts

Ever since they first sang Hatsu no Uta in 2007, I've thought...they could be spending that times singing a song I like. D:

I wonder what'll end up happing to Uchi... He's been getting more attention lately--OOOH TAICHI, YOU CUTIE.&hearts He's talking about being the same "year" as them in his normal, loud way... XD

- Yay, T&T want to work hard as T&T this year! :D
- lol Kouki obliging Kame with the fan... XD
- Sad, no Higashi-san. Well, you can't have everything...


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