I need something to dooooooooooooo! D:
Say "homework" and I shoot you. :/
School is as bad as predicted, so I don't want to think about it for now. I'm considering running away to Japan after graduation just so I can have another year to deal with grad school.
I capped this a while ago for the next time I post caps, so why not now:
I could go watch a drama, but then I'd have to go get my external drive... )
Do that.
*dies at dokkiri cap*
I guess that part was what they meant when they said there was a little one done on the rest of the members? LAME!! Maru was hilarious though. cutie.
You're a cutie too! *pokes cheeks*
I wanted to do this two hrs ago! but then lj went to maintenance!!
Maru was so cute initially. *hasn't watched/subbed more than three minutes*
*bites finger off* >__>
And now it's back, yay!
I was being dirty. and I totally used your caps XDD
*continues poking with bloody stump*
Ewwww~ *fends off bloody stump*
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