Aug 21, 2009 19:16
First: Goddammit, someone fixed LoudTwitter and everyone and her mother are using it again. If you don't have the creativity to make an actual LJ post, then don't post. Your snippets of conversation do not make sense out of context and I don't want to have to scroll past half the posts on my f-list or make cuts. If I wanted to read your Twitter updates, I'd use Twitter myself.
Second: I'm taking Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday off work next week so I can head to the beach with my best bud on Sunday and hopefully miss the weekend rush. 8Dv VACATION, YAY! I will most likely leave my laptop behind, or at the very least, use it just for email every once in a while. That gives me a couple of days to finish some subbing up before I go so I can stop feeling bad about the huge list of translations I've received and done nothing with. :x
whining about lj,