New Steps....!!!

Dec 30, 2012 00:39

*just ignore this post,,, this just a post for my LJ in last day of the year....!!!

Tonight... I watched one of fanvid in Youtube... and after that,, I have and idea...

Until now, my page in LJ is still not much,, cos I dont know what to share,, I can't use japanesse language that much,, I can't use english that good too... so I just use my LJ to keep track with other fans who still love Arashi just like me now...

But today,, in this end of the year... I make decision... I will make fanvid too and the theme will be change... and from fanvid that I make ,,, I will tell others how much I love that 5 Ouji in my life,,,

2013 is my start.... hope it will be run for a long time,,,

Marry Christmass & Happy New Year minna.... Arashi fans all over the world,,, 2013 yoroshiku nee,,,!!

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