5 - 1 = 0.

Jan 28, 2019 20:35

When I first opened Twitter at around 2:30am (Sunday Jan 27, 2019) and I saw 大野くん trending worldwide (2) after SMAP (1) , I started to panic and become anxious because it gave me flashbacks to when SMAP announced they would disband. And I thought Arashi would too. In the back of my mind, it didn't make a lot of sense since its their 20th anniversary and the whole "And More" concert lineup. Arashi will be undergoing a hiatus once Jan 1, 2021 hits.

I couldn't sleep. The dreadful announcement I never wanted to exist in a million years happened. The day Arashi announces a break... We've seen other groups fall over and over and over where they take a break and then officially disbands. I personally never thought it would happen to Arashi. I thought Arashi would continue until they were old and grey lol. But Arashi is special. I mean. they've been together for +20 years and formed a strong bond. I guess I always took them for granted cause their presence always felt like a home. Someone to come back to whenever you're feeling down. Arashi was always there to put a little smile on your face!

I played 5x10 on repeat that night.

After their announcement broke out, inside my entire heart/being is still crying as if a million sharp needles was stabbing it simultaneously. I felt numb but physically i couldn't cry. It's ironic that I desperately wanted to cry but I couldn't because whenever i listen to them they always put a smile on my face. Their songs always promotes positivity, moving forward and being grateful. Their presence just places this feeling of comfort and warmth like receiving a big loving hug. Thats just Arashi. I'm so thankful they are only taking a break and not full fledge disbanding. They 100% deserve to be happy, healthy and stress-free. I wholeheartedly respect their wishes and will welcome them back with warm open arms whenever they decide to return as 5. Cause 5-1=0.

What fascinates me is that Arashi decided to give us, fans, a 2 year heads up to enjoy their presence and works as Arashi instead of pulling all the stops; especially since it is their 20th anniversary. It sincerely shows how much they love their fans. Not a lot of groups actually do this. 💙❤️💚💛💜

My worries simmered down after their press conference and Sho's responses on News Zero. How much they all treasure Arashi and never want to let it go. Im crying how strong their bond is. How Ohno addresses it to his member 2 years prior and discussed it multiple times to come up with a better solution than quitting.  Shows that Ohno is a responsible and wonderful leader. How the other 4 members respect his wishes and created this decision together. It makes me feel hopeful and grateful for everything. I stanned the right group!

Although that lingering fear is still there before 2021 reaches, I still want to stay hopeful and enjoy their upcoming works. I want to be excited and continue to treasure every little interaction.
(I am desperately waiting for best of album and 5x20. Arashi pls)

Despite it being in 2 years from now, enjoy your well-deserve break Arashi.
I'll be waiting for the day when the rain and winds collide once again to form an even powerful storm.

Arashi will be in our soul soul forever!

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