Title: Guts!
Pairing: Ohno/Nino
Rating: NC-17
Genre: High School AU, friendship, romance, smut.
Chapter: Oneshot
Word Count: Handwritten
Disclaimer: Don’t own them; apparently, old fart Jani does.
Summary: None of them had the spine. Till now.
Notes: Another uber late xmas giftie for
lilisan31 yay!!
Sorry beforehand if you find the layout of this fic tiresome. Yuu asked for a Guts-performance-outfit-xmas-fanart and I was gonna send her just the drawing, but then I started imagining a background story for it during work and well, that mess of papers happened. I didn’t bother typing it gome---n U_U. This only contains nursery level storytelling, lots of typos, clichéd smut and a NSFW art dessert. You’ve been warned XD.
Alternative scenarios for this fanart are soooo very welcome. How do you think the story should have developed? ^_^
Aaaaaall the way ladies