Car's interior fan = FIXED!!! oh and I think I've got a new job from an old company.

Jun 07, 2009 05:05

I've been neglecting LJ a lot lately huh?

Steve and I did some surgery on my RSX since my interior fan stopped working a few weeks ago due to a burnt-out Power Transistor (yeah that long ago).. and with the help of an online guide from Club RSX we were able to jump a burnt-out circuit and repair the thing without taking it to a shop.  Downside?  Well we bypassed something called the "thermal cut-off" for the MOSFET power regulator so hopefully nothing goes wrong with it. XD

I'm contemplating buying a new one (found it for $30) and installing it instead just for peace-of-mind.  But tested it out on the drive back tonight and yay I have air and A/C working and regulated just as it should again.

Thanks Steve!  +10 rep! ;)
PS- the usual ramp from your house to 880 is open.. I tried it as I left tonight.

Other recent news is that I think I should be going back to work sometime maybe even next week doing FX for Maxis..  Yes I know I worked for Maxis before.. but then they turned us into the "Sims Studio" and moved us away from the actual Maxis.. but now I'm going back and doing totally different work from before.  This ought to be interesting.  Apparently they want to hire me as contract for about 3 weeks before deciding whether or not to keep me on since I don't have a lot of FX experience prior and I've only worked on the Sims as well.  The project sounds like fun though so I hope I can stay on for at least the duration of that project... I can't talk about it at all since it's new and stuff.. but I guarantee it's not the Sims. :P

repairs, job, cars, maxis, games

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