
Apr 22, 2006 16:12

Alot has happened. Well not really. Just I figured out alot of things this past month and what i'm going to do with my life and all.

I decided i'm joining the guard. Easy one weekend a month job and all I have to do is pass basic and text school. Which will be no problem. Just while i'm going for three months i'm obviously going to miss my family and friends a whole lot. And I hope i'm not forgotten while i'm gone.

My dad fucked me over for school and my child support. I owe $1500 to HCC since my dad never paid a dime for it. So it truly sucks for him when January comes because my Mom and I decided we're taking him to court. Hes going to pay for my college, the child support he owes me, and getting raised aswell.

I have a job interview tomorrow for Journey's so be jealous. :p. And I have one for friendly's monday morning for being a waitress. So i'm all set with jobs hopefully. I quit my job at the warehouse because i work 50+ hours a week and had no life to see anyone and it's sucked alot.

I'm going to have a new hair color in another 2 weeks. :). It's going brown and getting trimmed.

And than near the end of may i'm gone for a week. VACA to FLORIDA and i'm so fucking amped it isn't funny.

P.s. - Srsly I probably herd one the grossest things this weekend. 14 yr olds need to learn to keep their legs shut... just disgusting. Yeah I have a kid but I don't do shit with any guy that comes around exspecially ones I say that are like family. DAMN SLUTS.

P.s.s. - I'm getting a new kitten tomorrow since Missy decied to throw mine outside to get hit my a car. What a nice girl.
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