Nov 28, 2008 23:43
It is definitely good to be back among friends and family here in sunny Portland. Sunny... indeed? I scrounged up a last minute greyhound ticket here and rode a nice 3.5 hours into town. The bus was not too crowded and it was a diverse group for sure! Tongans, Africans, Indians, Chinese... as a whitey I was minority on this bus. Anyway, I showed up and I met my dad downtown and I was overwhelmed with a sense of relaxation to be back here in this familiar place, with carpets and heat and cleanliness.
I chatted with my dad and grandma until midnight and we all crashed. The next day I took a shower and felt totally new and alive. Then met with my mom to go to Thanksgiving Dinner (more like lunch) with the rest of the family. We ate 'til stomachs were distended and saw slides from my cousin's trip to asia. He really got to see the world, and had beautiful shots of Vietnam with fishermen and orange sunsets over the water.
Then today has been all about catching up. friends family, things happen in our life and we don't realize what they are until they come out in everyday talk. We are a lot like frogs in pots of water where change only matters to us if it is distinct and instantaneous.
With a very vague and uninteresting entry, I bid adieu. Realize friend and kin that I intend on coming back and soon! I will see all of you then! Ciao