The upside of being a GM: BANNING PEOPLE! :D :D :D
The downside: The banned people complain. Loudly. And at great length. And no, 'ban them more/harder' is not an option.
The upside of being visible in-game: People go 'Wow a GM! :D' and 'I've never actually seen a GM before!' and 'omg it's a GM! o.o'
The downside: People know who I am, and randomly ask me inane questions when I'm right in the middle of dealing with three actual questions at the same time. Also, the way players gravitate towards me going 'Wow a GM!' after someone notices me is disturbingly reminiscent of a zombie horde.
The upside of overtime: Piles of LOOT!
The downside: Sleeeeeeep.......
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