Sep 09, 2008 19:36
So I didn't get my filming for Compositing 2 done over the weekend, which means I did it today. My Fellow Classmate is in possession of a treadmill, so I went over to her place to film it.
People in her area do not use blinkers. As I was leaving, I realized a truck wanted in my lane when I discovered he was already halfway in it. A motorcycle followed him in much the same way.
The motorcycle had its hazard lights flashing, but as he was simply waiting in line for the light instead of wheeling his bike over to the sidewalk, a mere five feet away, I'm going to disregard them.
Also, on the way there I nearly got sideswiped by a bus merging into my lane. It did have its blinker on, though.
So that's twice I used my horn today. Once on the bus, once earlier when I realized I'd forgotten the camera and turned back, and some idiot completely failed at turning left on a red and nearly slammed into the car I was behind. The car was too busy avoiding being hit and getting away from the idiot to honk, so I did instead.
Anyway, at the top of several steep hills I doubt my former car could have made, my Fellow Classmate lived in an apartment complex. Complete with gym. So instead of hauling her treadmill out of some closet somewhere, we used the gym's treadmill.
They had two treadmills. One was occupied, the other had no plug. We used the one with no plug. Hopefully I can make it work out alright.
As we were setting up, two old guys showed up. My Fellow Classmate and her friend thought they were drunk, and apologized extensively afterwards. I thought they were entertaining, in an "I'm not going to have to interact with you for more than ten minutes" kind of way. Old fellow in blue seemed to think we were filming a documentary on the gym. Old fellow not-in-blue was absolutely fascinated by the fact we were sticking tape on everything (they were markers so I could motion track in the computer easier), and kept asking questions. Generally the same questions, but at least some of what I explained to him got through. I think. Maybe.
Old fellow in blue also treated me to his prowess in... operating light switches? I'm still not entirely clear. He walked all the way to the other end of the gym, kept motioning me to step to the right, and when I was finally in position, turned off the lights. Not that you could notice, there were very big windows. And either he turned them right back on afterwards, or they came back automatically. I'm not sure what he was trying to accomplish, but he's on film.
All told, we probably spent less than twenty minutes in the gym.
I was completely unable to download my footage to a computer and begin motion tracking, because I simply could not convince the camera to re-wind. I'll ask the teacher about it tomorrow.
I really wanted to get it done tonight, 'cuz I'm behind and the final is due on monday, pretty much.
Also, it occurs to me I need to find a recording of an electric treadmill moving at various speeds. It'll help a lot in making it seem like the thing was actually moving. I'm still not sure how I'm going to fake that...