So, Motion Studies and Texture & Lighting 2 are done! And it didn't even take me a week to realize.
So, as my Motion Studies video is much too large to put online, you only get to see the T&L2 stuff.
Behold! The results of five weeks of work!
This and
I kinda wanted to swap it over to a night scene - with the moon up and long shadows, and my thendrax drinking from the river - never got around to it, though... stupid fur ate up all my time.
Now I'm in Animation 2. I want to do my animatic, but it needs to be cut down to 15 seconds and needs more story. The simple 'critter meets flower, critter loves flower, critter breaks flower, critter is heartbroken' is... well... too simple.
Maybe I can tack on the ending of 'critter discovers broken flower makes a fantastic toy!' that I had in my credits...
... and then, 'fantastic toy falls off cliff! critter is heartbroken once more', maybe. He wants it to be in the standard three-part act format - setup, catalyst, turning point, climax, confrontation, resolution.
If anyone has any ideas, fire away.
Anyway, it's a tuesday thursday saturday class, starting at 8am. I'm really tired of 8am classes. I need 12 storyboards (at least) on tuesday, and then we're going to shoot reference footage.
I have no idea how I'm going to shoot reference footage for my
spider-critter. (Incidentially, it has eyes now - I finished attaching them just the other day - so I suppose I should get a shot of that)
I discovered this garlic chicken pasta stirfry thing at Trader Joes the other day... they were handing out samples and I was hungry so I ate some and it was delicious (if slightly cold) so I bought some and brought it home and ate it. And had leftovers which I stirfried today. And will stirfry tomorrow. And possibly the day after that.
It's a welcome break from my usual stirfry. Considering that I've probably been eating it for two years now, it's no surprise that I'm getting tired of it. I should start trying to switch up the ingredients...
Or maybe it's because Trader Joes stopped carrying the usual blend of cheese I buy (chedder and mozzerela and a bunch of others, all shredded and mixxed) so I've been picking random things - last batch was mozzerela, this time I bought a blend of stuff that I thought was mozzerela and other random cheeses but was actually parmesian and other random cheeses...
Gah, I'm making myself hungry. Time for dinner, I'll see you in another five weeks, I suppose.