Curse you Tetsuya Nomura!!!

Oct 02, 2009 15:30 I got my FFVII:AC Complete blu ray disc and technically I don't buy into all the high-def mumbo jumbo.  I mean why make something clearer--beyond normal human standards--just to make the dust/dirt/pimple/freckles on some guy's face clearer?  It's like you're just fooling think you know they'll be selling high-def contact lenses.  (Actually I'd probably buy one of those.)

In any case, I am sold!! ...or I guess technically I was already sold long time ago.  But here's my amateur technical comments:

1) It is amazingly awesome how the movie is much clearer...granted it's computer generated...but somehow it loses an air of mystery to it.
2) Lifestream just looks muddled with all the enhancements. I prefer the older version.
3) Is it just me or do most of the characters look even paler than in the original?  You almost can't tell where Cloud's hair ends and where his skin begins...O_O  For goodness sake, put some color on the guy, he does spend most of his time under the sun!
4) oohh...dust...or is the light..oh...wait that's dust I guess..
5) ewww...blood...
6) okay...can we stop with the oozing black thing...
7) oohh...water..
8) I approve recycling!

A more "reasonable" review will probably follow, while I go dust off my PSP...

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