"The two men appered out of nowhere, a few yards apart in the narrow, moonlit lane."
dsajkdhsajk. i just finished the book.
i'm still feeling very overwhelmed and slightly incoherent, but..
i loved how the book started with the death eater meeting. sets the book quite nicely, i think.
and dumbledore's obituary! :(:(:(
i so did not expect a large part of the book to be based on dumbledore's past but omg so gooood.
all the r/hr moments! i have to admit, i'm not the biggest fan of the ship, but after watching ootp and re-reading hbp, i've come to terms with it. really! i love how their relationship wasn't all, 'i love you ron!' 'i love you hermione!' i love how jkr didn't minus out the bickering and that tinge of awkwardness in their relationship. aw! which reminds me when jkr mentioned the both of them may have slept while holding each other's hands. double aww!
but i didn't quite like how there was a number of times where weepy!hermione occurred. i mean, it's completely understandable, but mehh..
i also noticed jkr used 'effing'. three times. idk, i snort whenever i come across it. effing?
i loooved hermione's i-have-everything-in-here bag. lmaoo.
and fred and george laughing over g's missing ear. :(:(
and the confrontation with lupin at grimmauld place. ilu lupin. :(
and the letter in sirius's room.
and (for some reason) umbridge being part of the plot.
ron leaving made me really, really sad. ron coming back made me really really mad. i loooved how hermione reacted to ron's return. i'm glad jkr didn't make hermione suddenly forgiving towards ron. girl power ftw!
all voldemort scenes via harry's scar gave me the creeps. major creeps. like, holy shit, i can't sleep that night creeps.
all the battle scenes were fucking awesome. i couldn't help the adrenaline pulsing through my veins while reading them, i swear!
the tale of the three brothers were also very, very awesome. sfwee! and it was xeno lovegood who told them the story. yayz.
snake turning bathilda bagshot turning snake really freaked me out. like, majorly freak out moment there, whoa.
detah eaters creeping out at every corner made me scream at this cat which had entered my house. in my defence, it was at midnight and it could've been some death eater animagus. :x
neville for minister for magic. i knew he'd do something unbelievably great in this one. 'dumbledore's army. still recruiting!'
have i mentioned the battle scenes were awesome? because they totally are.
i was so afraid harry wouldn't find ron and hermione towards the end. :(
liked snape's memory a lot. but i wasn't too suprised that he had this thing for lily. fanfiction, yay!
i was genuinely suprised that harry was a horcrux. :O i mean, d'oh, everyone speculated it, but to see it in black and white was mind boggling. and when he accepted that he would have to sacrifice himself, i couldn't breathe. when he used the resurrection stone to bring back his mum and the marauders, i cried. :(
i stared at the end of the chapter where voldemort avada kedavra's harry and i was SHELL-SHOCKED, and thinking, is that it? but it wasn't because dumbledore appears. ♥
i was so nervous when narcissa felt harry's beating heart. and the scene where the malfoys were reunited? was absolutely lovely.
hagrid carrying harry inside was heart-breaking.
i let out a squeal of excitement when draco revealed to be the master of the elder wand (for a moment of time)
voldemort's fall was..let's just say it could've used more uumph. i mean, it was so obvious that voldy was gonna die, what with harry not and all. but still, YAY!
nineteen years later and the trio's still together! with kids! zomg. a little bit too happily ever after for me, but it was all good. :D
ohmygoddddddd. i love you, harry potter. (a little sentimental here, shut up)
although the book has ended, i think harry and ron and hermione and dumbledore's army and the marauders and the elfs and the centaurs and quidditch and accio and expelliarmus would stay with me for quite a long time, if not forever. things like these don't come so often, y'know. the staying up late reading and discussing and 'my ship is better than yours! na na na na na' all came with the perks of buying that book 8 years ago.
i'm glad i'm part of this fandom. ♥
"The scar had not pained Harry in nineteen years. All was well."