Nov 11, 2005 20:19
I thought this survey was hardcore.
List the first 20 people that come to your head...
1. Erika
2. Allan
3. Jordan
4. Jessy
5. Jay
6. Ben
7. Kyle
8. Meaghann
9. Graham
10. MK
11. Patrick
12. Kevin
13. Irena
14. James
15. Hannah
16. Hannah May
17. Andrew
18. Colin
19. Dave
20. Tracy
How Long have you known 4? Like two years...
Would 6 and 14 make a good couple? lol WELL actually if Ben and James were gay they night...
Whats 9's favorite food? He can't really eat solids yet...
Does 12 have and sibilings? Yesh
Whats a random fact about 17? He can keep his eyes open for
like 3 minutes without blinking, and jokes about killing babies make
him laugh.
Whens the last time you saw 3? Too long ago...but I talk to her all the time.
How close are you with 19? Not that close...
Have you ever gotten into a fight with 6? TONS. Oh god, too many to even, I love Ben though.
Have you ever had a crush on 18? YESH!! Ahaha, in like grade 5 for a week...that ended really fast...
How do you know 20? Gym class.
Would 4 and 13 make a good couple? If they were lesbian ;)