May 18, 2007 02:34
jellyfish facts:
1/ they have been around for over 650million years, meaning they outdate dinosaurs.
2/ they live for only a couple of weeks.
3/ a jellyfish's body is 99% water.
4/ they have no brain, blood, eyes or heart.
5/ they go through several different stages in their life cycle and the 'medusa' (the form you usually associate with jellyfish) is just one of them. they are first planula (jellyfish larvae) which later becomes polyps and finally medusa.
6/ the box jellyfish kills more people than any other marine creature.
7/ jellyfish are able to reproduce both sexually and asexually during different stages of their life cycle.
8/ the world's largest jellyfish can reach a diameter of 8ft with a tentacle length of up to half the length of a football field.
9/ essentially, a jellyfish is nothing more than a mouth and digestive system.
10/ to move forward, jellyfish take water into their muscular bell and then squirt it out behind them, creating a jet of water that propels them forward.