(no subject)

Aug 09, 2005 13:27

i realized how difficult it is to be try and be responsidble and have fun at the same time. i'm not the best daughter in the world not the best perosn .i know i can get very hypocritical at time. i'm happy thati can admit that but i can nevr fix it. i'm only writing this becuase i feel really guilty of wast i told steph and hten realized that iwas doing it.


i told steph things idk i'll tell you dont get mad steph,

i said that she needed to get over guys more easily and not be completely in love with them after like day of taling to them.

okay so i'm not completely like that but i do need to get over this one guy . he's so bluh idk . i mean he prolly doesnt know i like him becuase i'm sure he would be all wierded out just because idk i'm me. maybe not.

but see i've realized that nothing ever is going to happen because nothing ever does. and i i should get over him but , i cant . its like i was about to this summer and then band camp started and i was like ahhh! .

this is why i think band camp has brought most of the drama of my live.
espeically when it comes to him, and stacey, and time .

supide wiesburg time can go to hell.,. bluh
anywyas. so

i m figuring that the only way to get over this guy is to tell him that i like him and if it goes somewhere ok i wont get over it because i'll just be like omgahs around him .
but then if h's like oh ok . like i dont like you but i'm flatter i would be kinda like therapy. because i might be making false assumptions if i dont tell him i might regret not knowing

gawd i hate band and boys.

boys suck .

and i know everyone knows who it is.

.. but i dont know if he knows.

maybe he does he just doesnt want to tell me he knows.


leave me alone drama!
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