Jan 31, 2010 21:05
Today was exhausting.
I ended up going over to Jake Babcock's house instead of reading or playing videogames. I went over very close to midnight. We watched three documentaries, Collapse, which was about consumerism and the collapse of world currencies/governments/economies, which is already sort of happening; then we watched The Aristocrats, which is about a dirty dirty dirty joke that can be told a number of ways; and lastly we watched This Film Has Not Yet Been Rated, which is about the MPAA rating system, and all the stuff that goes on behind rating a movie. It was really interesting, because it's kind of like a secret cult. The rater's identities are kept confidential and hidden. Bizarre, right? Well anyway, I didn't get home until after 4 am, and didn't end up sleeping until 6 am. I woke up very tired at 1:37 or something.
I got ready, did internet stuff, blah blah blah.
I ended up going out. I had to get gas for my car anyway. So I did that first, then went to PC Market for lunch. I had a Greek vanilla yogurt, a banana, and some orange juice, which I did not finish. Then I stopped by where Dirk was at, which was Ryan's because he had to help him with computer stuff, and said hello. I made my way to Oakway after that. I went to Luxe but I was only there for literally three minutes because apparently they closed at 4 pm, which I found to be extremely early. So I left and got some banana ice cream from Cold Stone, but I didn't even eat all of it and threw it away once I got to Borders. I didn't find anything there really, not what I was looking for anyway. Except I did find this really pretty copy of Pride & Prejudice, so I sent Megan a picture, and apparently I was not the only one to have done this. I went over to the memoir and biography section, where I found Night by Elie Wiesel. I read it in 9th grade, but I'd like to re-read it, and the other parts of it--Day, and something else.
Megan texted me saying that she was at work and that she was tireeed, so I offered to bring her something. She offered to pay, but I told her not to worry about it. So I went to Starbucks and got her a non-fat vanilla chai tea, and brought it to her. But first I drove 15 minutes to the wrong place. She said work, I thought Regional. I completely forgot that she worked at Cal Young on Sundays. When I got into the parking lot and noticed she wasn't there, I realized where she was at and that I made a pretty awful mistake. So I drove back with Megan's now warm chai tea and visited with her. I got hungry at 7 o'clock though, so I went to PC Market again and got a sandwich with good stuff on it, like ham, salami, lettuce, hummus, and the typical stuff like mayonnaise, pickles, and mustard. I went back to hang out with Megan for a while more, then I left. I went to Blockbuster before I went home because I wanted to rent Marie Antoinette.
I feel like there was more to my day, and there probably was, but I'm tired and cannot remember. I mean, besides the Bobby confusion and whatnot, but I'm not going to write about it because it's getting redundant.
I have to go to Willamette tomorrow after school before work and see if I can talk to a counselor to tell them I am transferring so I can maybe go there. Blargh.
pride & prejudice,
running around town,
going to the wrong place,