Cookin' up the goodies

Jul 27, 2007 11:02

I know I seldom post to the journals outside of commenting on other people's lives, but I thought maybe I would try putting my thoughts into writing. Probably not too exciting to most, but we'll see. Here goes...

To start with, I don't think I've baked so much as I have over the last week and this weekend probably won't be much different. We all have our little outlets when we feel stressed or bored, and while most people I know seem to take a more artistic approach, I have taken the "time to make some comfort food!" approach.

I'll truly make an effort to start posting pictures and comments on the stuff I make since I really enjoy cooking/baking up stuff I remember from Japan. You can always describe a building or a scene but you can't truly describe a flavor. It's kind of like describing a color to a blind person or a song to someone who is deaf. I think I just like to make these things because aromas and flavors are the strongest cues for memories and I really miss being in Japan.

Anyway, this weekend will probably consist of シュークリーム(custard cream puffs) and/or クリームパン. まんじゅう will likely be on the menu too, but not sure what kind. I'll probably do some other things too but that'll be as the mood strikes. Maybe some プリン, too...

I'll let you know how they turn out!
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