Nov 10, 2004 16:01
Okay, let's see how quickly I can write a livejournal entry. I will not backspac,e, I will not go back to change a sentenc,.e, this is how it is. Well, lkast weekend was uber amazing. Firdayt night, I went over Shawn's house and we played NHL HOCKEY 2K5 AND IT WAS RADASS amnd I gave up inthe middle of it becuase I suck at presseing buttons. And then Saturday, my favorite boy in the world and I hung out again and we went ice skating and then joined krysytina and bryan to eat at the scenester magnetizing Chinese place - CHINA PAN. The real meat sucks there, but the vegeterian and vegan shit.. goddamn it's so good. ohhhHH man. And then after that, Bryan and shawn came back toi my bhouse and sewe watched Conan O'bRien and SNL tapses that I have that are ever so funny. Bryan was chokcing on his laughter, it was oh so jhilaroious.
I don't think any of you realize how hard this is to riwrigtte an entry where I'm restirciting the fact that I can backspace and fix my typing errors and or the sentence strust cture that i have begun with. This Try this somehing time because it's a funny thing.
I have a class in 20 minutes. /
Sunday ng,, Shawn Kristin and I went to a HARTFORD WOLF PACK GAME. Iwt was the colest. and watched a hartford whalers video tape on the arribal to kristn's house agter the game.
Last night was basdass. Karen, ?Mehghann and our new friend MATT and I went to the NerVernon Diner at 1 AMzlke. And had $1.00 coffee. and talked alot about stuff and It was NICE. New friensds are nice. I love new friends. I love mkl,.........
I'm done.
What if the backspace key did not exist?