Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Are
lifeiselsewhere and
coseymo going steady? maybe in some parrallel universe.
2) Has
theadored been to your house/dorm? they live there.
3) If
redjennyrackham and
andrewloog were spliced together, what would it be like? a cherry ice cream smile.
4) What would you do if
theadored died? geez. i would hope i wasn't in the van at the time of their accident. how macabre.
5) What is
theadored's favorite game? i am so sick of hearing about the adored. i think its "dooshging".
6) If
andrewloog was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? "un-marketable music man".
7) How many monkeys could
televisionryan fight at once and win against? what a loaded question.
8) Is
coseymo introverted or extroverted? depends if shes drinking.
9) What word best describes
once_i_cry? indescribable.
10) What would
akaidiot give
andrewloog for his/her birthday? a gift certificate to virgin or best buy or something.
11) Does
punch_the_mayor drink? often at 7517 lexington.
12) Is
shortstorys popular? fuck no.
13) What animal should
punch_the_mayor be combined with? a human.
14) Does
once_i_cry go to your school? never.
15) Have you flirted with
shortstorys? nope.
16) If
thesiameseffect commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? a brigade of physicists.
17) What song/movie would you recommend to
bas_jan_ader? desperate teenage lovedolls.
18) Where did you first meet
deadlybloom? i interviewed her at urban outfitters!
19) How long would
punch_the_mayor dating
deadlybloom last? 6 weeks. definitely 6 weeks.
20) Does
akaidiot travel a lot? no.
21) Which president would
akaidiot be likely to idolize? rutherford b. hayes
22) How would
punch_the_mayor kill
theadored? do you have a death wish for the adored? if he HAD to, he would probably lock them all in a dungeon and read to them until they died of starvation.
23) What comic book character would
coseymo be? julie.
24) If
lifeiselsewhere took over the world, who would suffer? EVERYONE!
25) Do you have
once_i_cry's screenname? actually, no.