killing time @ work and revealing my innermost self!

Oct 01, 2005 13:17

1. My hidden talent is: sex.

2. The nickname my friends have for me is: jenny boo.

3. The funniest walk-of-shame outfit I've ever worn was: headband with a craft bird perched on top, ripped tee shirt, neon bicycle leggins, and flip flops.

4. My favorite item of clothing in my closet is: neon bicycle leggings.

5. The best pickup line that worked on me was: completely ignoring me.

6. My weirdest phobia is: jellyfish.

7. The sport I kick ass at is: dancing.

8. My best stress reliever is: cleaning the house.

9. The best time of day for sex is_____________because : evening.

10. When I wake up in the morning, I always do these two things: brush teeth, start tea kettle.

11. The best prank I've ever played on someone was: using the left over fake blood from halloween and running into the living room screaming. i really wish i was a better prankster.

12. If I could pick four people to have dinner with, living or dead, I'd choose: crispin glover, judith butler, ellen degeneres, and mitch hedberg. i'd want four separate dinners though.

13. Sex on the first date is: i would advise as a bad idea, but i've always had a successful outcome from it.

14. My favorite thing to do on a Satuday night is: either sit in my clean house and watch a movie on the couch, or get beligerently drunk at a party.

15. My guilty pleasure is: top 40 jams.

16. I'm totally addicted to: vices.

17. The most bizarre dream I've ever had was: i had to find out what my name was, and i found out it was pavaricci.

18. The illegal thing I would do if I could get away with it is: freely speak my mind. j/k actually i'd have to say drug trafficking. just for the money-not to actually do the drugs!

19. The embarrassing moment that still makes me cringe was when I: the things that come out of my mouth daily.

20. Plastic surgery is: an invasive procedure that i have a hard time agreeing with. but there are always excpetions.

21. When I want to feel sexy, I put on: white cotton boy briefs.

22. My favorite body part is my: lips.

23. I want ___________kids. two

24. The best gift I've ever been given was______________because______________. compliments/ they developed my sense of worth.

25. If I weren't an extraordinary sales person, I'd be a: film maker. actually music video maker.

26. Marriage is: complicated.

27. The comford food i most crave: cheese.

28. I've been dumped__________times: zero.

29. The best compliment I've been given was: "its fun just to be around you."

30. Something people have wrong about me, which is so annoying, is: that i'm either 19 or a young boy.

31. The most important lesson you've learned about love: i could write a book! i think it would be called how to protect yourself, and let love consume you simultaneously.

32. The quality you most like in a man: complications.

33. The dumbest pickup line someone has used on you is: "nice ass."

34. You're first celebrity crush was: mark hamil a.k.a. luke skywalker.
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