bb_ movie club // Film List

Sep 09, 2010 15:32

Submit a Suggestion
Movie of the Week
2nd September 2010: The Pianist as suggested by Brie aka brieabrasive.
9th September 2010: No Impact Man as suggested by Val aka itsa_danceoff.
16th September 2010: Memoirs of a Geisha as suggested by Ace aka gasmaskbandit.
24th September 2010: Timer as suggested by Brie aka brieabrasive.

21st January 2011: P.S. as suggested by George aka becomingun.
19th February 2011: A Clockwork Orange as suggested by Ash aka nonversations.
10th June 2011: Revolutionary Road as suggested by Nichole aka sadblonde & James aka tegan.
17th June 2011: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind as suggested by Tiffany aka fluorescenthum.

Cinema Films
2nd September 2010: Scott Pilgrim
16th September 2010: Inception
21st January 2011: Black Swan

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