A-If you could be any ANIMAL in the ocean, what would you be?
a sponge!
B- Other than food, what is the last thing you BOUGHT for yourself?
cigarettes, bottle of water, and a starbucks frappuccino thing
C-What COUNTRIES have you been to?
canada, st. marten (it's not a country but it's not US territory.. it's half french and half dutch)
D-What is your favorite ride at DISNEYLAND?
never been there
E-Do you believe in ESP?
nope not really
F-Have you ever FAKED an orgasm?
who hasn't?
G-Have you ever fired a real GUN?
no, and i hope that i never do
H-Regarding surfing, do you know what the term "HANG Ten" means?
i have no idea, but i know the hand signal for it
I-Is Michael Jackson INNOCENT or guilty?
guilty! hello!
J-Do you wear JEWELRY?
i wear the same jewlery every day.. plugs, earrings, barbell.. hemp necklace, bracelets
K-Have you ever KILLED an animal?
accidentally, i hit a possum on the road once. it sucked sooo bad :(
L-What was the LAST thing you mailed?
a juror survey
M-Who is your favorite MUPPET character?
fozzie of course
N-Have you ever been to a NUDIE bar?
once with danny on valentine's day.. so hot. we saw a gay stripper brawl, it was awesome.
O-Regarding ORAL sex, would you rather give or receive?
can't ya do both?
P-Did you attend PRESCHOOL?
of course. that was the year i got glasses.. aww.
Q-Do you know what a QUAHOG is?
qua·hog also qua·haug ( P ) Pronunciation Key (khôg, -hg, kwô-, kw-)
An edible clam (Venus mercenaria) of the Atlantic coast of North America, having a hard rounded shell. Also called hard-shell clam, round clam. (courtesy of
dictionary.comR-Have you ever RIDDEN a horse?
S-Have you played any organized SPORTS in your life?
when i was little i played t-ball and soccer, and as i got older i just played softball
T-Do you owe or are you getting money back from last year's TAXES?
i got $900 back from feds, and $150 from state
U-Do you own an UMBRELLA?
i sure the heck do
V-Do you exercise your right to VOTE?
W-What's your ideal WEATHER forecast?
68 degrees and sunny with a very light breeze and some puffy white clouds
X-What was your last X-RAY u had taken?
probably my teeth at the dentist
Y-Do you own a YELLOW shirt?
i own a few but never wear them
Z-How many ZIP/POST codes have you lived in?
3 - 48187 (Canton) 48135 (Garden City) 49401 (Allendale) - though that last one was very brief