Jul 13, 2005 19:05
I seem to always post when things arent going well and this is no different....
My family is about the most ungrateful bunch of mutha fuckas I have ever met. I am about fed up with lying ass greedy mutha fuckas that just fucking take take take and want want want. Fucking hypocritical, lying, non giving a fuck about nobody but themselves, judgemental bunch of bitches. My niceness level is just about rock bottom right now and I am not giving a fuck.
People these days are just fucking out of control. Maybe im too nice. Maybe im too trusting. Maybe im just a fucking pussy when it comes to people I care about. But fuck em and they selfish non appreciative asses. Always wanna ask me for shit like im the fucking ATM. Bunch of homophobic wanna be holy mutha fuckas that only want what they can get out of you then you aint shit no mo'.
Yea that's it im too damn kind to people. Imma change that shit quick.
And why the fuck do people think that cause you gay you automatically want them if they are of the same sex?
Acting like if you touch em they gonna catch the "GAY" wtf?
Gotta walk around my family like I got the fucking plauge. Mutha fuckas always judging me. Half the mutha fuckas round here got fucked up ass lives themselves yet they can't resist putting somebody else down about something they're doing. Bitch if imma go to hell your adultery committing ass gonne be right next to me.