ultra bummerrrrr

Apr 08, 2004 20:53

worked 11 hours today... no skateboarding and im really wanting to, i cant stop watching "yeah right" and i just want to skate.... ahhhh
owen wilson: frost what do you got? you got like 5 enders in your part but you dont got an ender ender. C'mon man im not trying to get down on you im trying to light a fire under you, ya know like when i call you up and say what trick do you got? have an answer for me have something planned. where do you wanna skate? dont say oh well i dont know you know you cant do that..
froston: well whats up with your footage?
owen: whatd you say
froston: whats up with your footage man?
owen: whats up with my footage? Ty tell him somma the tricks i done.
Ty Evans: front blunt, front blunt shuv, five oh, five oh shuv.
owen:dont forget silmore, front salad, back salad, front blunt. basically i got 2 minutes of footy but im not using any of it because its all been done in 411 issue 51.
Mike Carrol: yeah but noone's seen you do it.
owen: yeah everyones biting my shit you know how it goes.----- from the film "yeah right" a girl skateboard company video
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