This Day In Bizarro World

Jan 09, 2004 09:31

Well, actually, yesterday in bizarro world, leading all the way into today...or something. Fuck, I'm tired...and hungover. Umm...anyway...let's see.

1) Lord of The Rings completely rocked. They really handled this classic material well...didn't seem like 3 hours and 30 minutes at all.

2) I almost kissed the babysitter when she got here last night. She's really cute, and I'm convinced she has this secret wild side, so I've built up this entire thing in my head about her, and then last night when she walked in, purely out of habit and the fact it's how I am with most of our more open friends, I was walking towards her to give her a hug and kiss hello and then realized, shit, I'm about to send the babysitter running out of the But maybe not...I think she's actually going to come out with us next weekend, and there's no WAY she hasn't figured out by now that we're just a little different than the average bear around here, so who knows.

3) Went down to Metro after the movie...they were having a fetish theme night, place was PACKED. Had no idea we had that many kinky people in little 'ol Which reminds me....all of you should come to this: Fetish Nights

4) Wifey continued her recent streak of lurid wickedness....the night's victims included a former Babylon bartender we hadn't seen in a while, and wifey dragged him off to the bathroom (the Metro bathroom sees more action from us than some rooms in our Total trip time - less than five minutes, resulting in one wobbly kneed bartender, several stains on wifey's outfit, and a lot of jokes about said bartender's quick trigger...hehe.

5) Got to know a fairly new friend and his girlfriend a LOT better last night over the course of the evening. We've met the g/f several times before, and she's been pretty standoffish...almost a bitch, actually....but she must've been in a helluva good mood last night. The four of us made quite a scene in the bar, including some weird creepy guy who got up really really close to us and was kind of squirming all around, telling the girls how hot they were. There should be an ignore button in real life just like Brought them back home at bar time and played til about 4:30, mostly concentrating on the newly thawed g/f....she left very red, quite sore, and sobbing in much for standoffishness...hehe.

6) About halfway through our exploration of the g/f it comes out that she was good friends with my little sister when we were younger. This girl knew my entire family, remembered me from when we were kids, slept over at my freakin HOUSE a bunch of times when she was 12 to 13 or so...I would have been 16-17 then. I very vaguely recall her from then, but my god does she look different than I remember. Geez, if only I'd known then what a freak she Such a small world.

7) Is it wrong that once we realized the connection from our past, it actually seemed hotter and dirtier to be playing with her?? *g*

More later...I'm too hungover to even know if I'm making this an interesting

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