Homicidial Pregnant Chick

Aug 23, 2009 20:40

I'm at the point in pregnancy where  I could probably make a daily list of things that are irritating me.  I've tried to resist the urge, but here goes:
  1. My paper shredder broke after just about a year.  I hate paper shredders in general and have pounded on this one a bunch because that is the only thing that ever made it work.  Yesterday my husband insisted on getting a new one (he pounds on things less than I do.)  So I went to Wal*Mart today -- on a Sunday afternoon.  I almost died from the crowd there.  Too freaking many people in the office aisle.  I hate shopping.
  2. The soap dispenser in my dishwasher has been F-ed up lately.  The little compartment inside doesn't open to let the soap tab out.  The last two loads of dishes ended up being four because I had to rerun the stupid thing with the soap already dispensed.  This is especially irritating because I spent  $400 on that appliance just about a year and a half ago.
  3. Planning baby showers irritates me.  I have two partners on this project and they are both TERRIBLE at returning phone calls. I want some help paying for stuff and doing decorations, but damn, I also want phone calls returned.  I did manage to talk to them about a decoration budget, so I'm no longer worried about being spent into poverty by someone who has no concept of how to manage money.
  4. Paying ridiculous shipping to get the baby shower invitations I want.  Cards = $27 Shipping $15.  I shopped around A LOT, I couldn't get a better deal than that.  Sometimes the cards cost more, sometimes the shipping, but it was always right around $42, and no place had them in stock except the freaking internet.
  5. Ligament pain -- can't go more than 2 days without it, can't get to the pool as often as every other day. 
  6. I keep waking up at 5:30 in the morning, even on days when I'm not going to the pool, and it sucks.  The only way I can get back to sleep is on my back, which the doctor thinks may kill me.
  7. My kid has nightmares now.  This doesn't so much irritate me as upset me (and her -- a lot)
In contrast, here are some things that make me happy:
  1. Zoe is showing a new interest in the potty, and gets excited to sit on it.  So far, she mostly sits on it in her diaper, but she will go bare butt if she's about to get in the tub.  I never wanted to spend money on pull-ups (I know about a million people who claim that their kid finally learned to use the potty when they stopped buying those things) but I think they may help her.   She's still attached to the idea of diapers, but she likes the potty too.  If she could easily pull down her diaper, she'd use it a lot more readily, I'm sure.
  2. My handyman is all done refinishing the bedroom set we are passing on to my cousin.  It looks tons better, and I think my grandma (the original owner) would like that it's going on to help my cousin the way it helped me when I moved out on my own.
  3. Amelia's room is coming together nicely.  It's going to be overstuffed with furniture till my cousin comes to get the old bedroom set, but it's better to have too much than too little.
  4. We got a new bookshelf this weekend.  It has doors on the bottom.  That's one whole room I know my baby won't mess up by pulling all the books off the shelf.  Two more bookcase upgrades, and we'll have a house where all the adults' books stay on the shelves.
  5. I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow.  That means only 5 to 8 more weeks of pregnancy, and then boom! baby. 

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