Part: 41/41
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Mentions of previous torture and rape
Genre: Angst, AU
Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Owen, Tosh, Gwen
Summary: AU. The Torchwood team discover the truth about what happened on the Valiant and search for Jack. A dark fic.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
AN: And finally, we reach the end.
Previous chapter here:
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Comments 10
I have the trilogy in a few files so I would just need to join them together and remove my notes to myself that are in there. It shouldn't be too hard. There may be the odd word that got changed after I posted a chapter though, but not much. I'm away in Iceland on holiday next week so I'll do that when I get back.
Is there a way of posting a pdf file on live journal so readers can get it?
Glad you liked Jack quoting the Doctor.
I will probably let Jack off the hook for being traumatised for a while. I have been pretty horrible to him. I was thinking of a 5th Doctor Turlough story next. An angsty one of course.
It shouldn't be too hard for me to make a pdf file from my raw files, but I could do with help on how to post it on here so people can download it.
I've just finished reading the last 4 chapters all together and enjoyed them very much.
I really enjoy your writing style.
In this last chapter I actually got goose-bumps reading this final encounter between Jack and the Doctor - kudos to your writing!
The only thing that makes me sad is that there are so few people left in TW fandom now to enjoy this story finished.
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