Title: A New Dawn
Part: 4/?
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Mentions of previous torture and rape
Genre: Angst, AU
Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Owen, Tosh, Gwen
Summary: AU. The Torchwood team discover the truth about what happened on the Valiant and search for Jack. A dark fic.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
A/N: This is
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Comments 22
Excellent chapter, as always. :) Keep up the excellent work!
its what i really looking for!!!
wow jack is so broken.
im really into h/c....jack is going to be comfort? right??
I can't wait until they muster up the guts to watch the *rest* of those DVDs!
This has been an amazing series all the way through. Great work, even though it's hard to read sometimes.
Yes, the law does not allow for Jack's circumstances so they are going to have t make a special case for him and go right to the top.
Yeah Right = They are in for one hell of a shock becuase the torture did nto stop.
Great chapter, at last their eyes are being opened.
Yes Ianto is agitated, his heart is begining to grow several sizes as he finds his humanity.
Ianto reacted badly to just one event of jack sacrificing himself for them, you can imagine how he'll feel when he finds out the whole truth.
Even if Ianto and Ellie were not together I don't think that Ianto would expect Jack to want him back, after the way Ianto treated him.
There have been several chapters of the team and the DVDs but it has actually only covered a couple of days since the start of the story. Jack will be absent for a while yet.
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