Fragments of a Shattered Life 2

Feb 19, 2010 00:18

Title: Fragments of a Shattered Life
Part: 2/28-ish
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Explicit violence, non-con
Genre: Angst
Characters: Jack Harkness, Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones, Rose Tyler
Summary: The Doctor and Rose run into Jack after POTW but all is not as it seems. Note that this is a very dark fic.
Disclaimer: Not mine.

Chapter 2: Unwelcome Revelations

The Doctor was worried. He didn't want to go see Jack. If it was Jack before he met them then it was pointless and if it was Jack after the Game Station then he didn't want to see him, but of course he couldn't admit that to Rose.

The Doctor tried to talk her out of it, arguing that this must be an earlier Jack and they should leave well enough alone. However Rose was adamant. What he did manage to do was get her to agree to investigate as much as they could before going to see Jack. He desperately hoped they would find out some information that would give him an excuse not to go.

So that evening found them in a local bar chatting to a group of people and asking about the music video they had seen. There seemed to be genuine bemusement from the people they were talking to. No one seemed to recognise the pop star that the Doctor and Rose were describing.

Eventually one of the older guys in the group asked them when and on what channel exactly they had seen the video. Rose described the music video programme she had been watching on the MKN channel. Light dawned on their friend and he laughed. “Oh, that guy. That's not a music video that's an advert!”

“An advert ? For what, a concert?” asked Rose.

“No, he's not a musician,” replied their new friend, “though I must admit he does sing well, I can see why you were confused.” He paused. “No, he's a petaq.”

“A what?” asked Rose confused.

“You know, a whore, prostitute,” he explained.

Rose was stunned. “No, that cant be right, he wouldn't.”

But the Doctor chimed in, “This is Jack we are talking about can you honestly say he wouldn't do that, particularly if the money was good enough.”

“Oh, the money is great,” their new friend confirmed “He's the highest priced petaq on the planet! He must bring in 100 times what our highest paid pop star earns.”

“We have to go see him, Doctor,” cried Rose. “Well, at least you have to. We need to know if it's our Jack and whether it is or isn't him, you need to talk him into giving up prostitution. It's not right.”

Privately the Doctor agreed; he didn't like the fact that Jack was doing this. But Jack had always loved sex and he might even consider this his ideal job.

“We need to call that number and arrange to see him,” Rose demanded.

“I don't think it'll be that simple,” warned their friend, “petaq don't accept visitors. You're not going to get anywhere near him unless you book in as a client. And you have to pay in advance so unless you have 100,000 credits (that's about 1 years wages) you wont get to see him.”

Sighing and inwardly conceding defeat, the Doctor accepted that he would have to go see Jack for Rose's sake. He shuddered. Feigning optimism, he declared brightly, “Then that's what we'll have to do. Money isn't a problem.” As an afterthought he added, “Is there any other information you know about him?”

Their friend thought for a moment. “Well, not much, there is one thing but it's only a rumour. He's supposed to have murdered over 250 people.”

Chapter 3 here:

fragments, torchwood, doctor who, jack harkness

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