The generator says the results would be more interesting if I had some interests, but I like these very well as they are.
In 2007,
ohikennedy resolves to...
Become a better hotwire7.
Pay for my cannibals on time.
Tell my family about otterkins.
Give some revjohnnys to charity.
Be nicer to treebones.
Keep my skagit_cjw clean.
(Gosh, I'm sorry if I've been mean,
treebones-I didn't mean to be! :-)
I don't usually make New Year resolutions because I believe that words/wishes/spells/curses have real power. Since I doubt I'd ultimately do anything I resolve, it seems foolhardy to vow something (even if just to myself) which I don't intend to fulfill. However.... the older I get the more I believe in the future, so maybe I will resolve something(s) for 2007.
Truly, tho', I can't think of many better resolutions than to become a better
hotwire7 (or
folkmew, or
amaebi, or
smart_ted, or a few others)-in the sense of aspiring to be more like their fine & noble selves. I am fortunate indeed....
Bright Blessings & Merry 2007 to you & yours!