It never matters 'cause the sheep are all blind...

Mar 26, 2010 09:35

It's Friday bitches!

I keep having these dreams where I'm making out with people - kind of strange, I guess… In other news, my jaw is on FIRE. I think when I was at the dentist last week that my bite got off from the new filling… I can hardly chew or open my jaw… Maybe that's why I'm having dreams about kissing people? I don't think there's anyway I could be kissing someone in real life!

This week has been pretty, pretttttty, prettttttttty good. Saturday Provot and I hung out for most of the day doing crazy shit and then drove to Toledo to see Under Anchor and we were as crazy as ever! We ate Taco Bell at 3am and fell asleep at 4am and then OF COURSE, I was completely WIDE AWAKE and ready for the day at 6:30am… Unless I have someone sleeping in my bed, I wake up at the same time everyday. It's really rather ridiculous. So, later on in the day, I was being a piece of shit and sleeping on the sofa when I got a txt from Mike saying that we were going to a party at a roller rink and that we were going to "play boyfriend and girlfriend" because his ex-girlfriend was there. Well, we show up and not only was his ex-girlfriend there, but my ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend was there! To everyone's surprise, there was no drama and we all had the best time! It was amazing! I felt like I was either 5 or 13! Dancing and being crazy and skating and pushing people and doing the flamingo on roller blades! So much fun! Can more people rent out roller rinks for parties?? After that Mike and I went to the bday girl's house which was adorable and we played this super fun game on Playstation 3 - - which Mike needs to buy!

The week also consisted of a job interview! Crazy how things happen! Sooooo random and fast and I don't even know. It's in this super secure building in Detroit (right next to Greektown Casino) and it'd be a $10,000 pay increase from what I'm making right now, so that would be totally fine by me! It's doing exactly what I do now… They interviewed 7 people and 3 of the 7 are coming back for the next/last round and I'm one of the 3! I go on Wednesday at 3pm, so wich me luck! I'm meeting with the director of the department, kind of nervous… She's probably going to ask me a bunch of crazy questions.

Mike and I went out to dinner every day this week (except last night!). Sunday - Wednesday! Nuts! Too much food! Wednesday night I had the locksmith come and change all my locks - paid $180 for that shit and then when he left realized that we could've done it for $50… Plus, I still need to go out and spend probably $50 on a cosmetic piece for the front lock, so blah… Nothing I can do about it now though. After the guy left we watched Up in the Air - good movie. Highly suggest.

I woke up yesterday super early and worked out (doing that insanity work out program that I'm sure you've seen the infomercial for) and then showered and got to work earlier than usual! Amazing! Last night I cleaned out my fridge because it seriously smelled so bad that it couldn't be opened and then watched the office and passed the fuck out on the sofa in my clothes and didn't wake up until 4am! I moved my ass into the bed and then I woke up late for work this morning, but it's Friday bitches, so who the eff cares!

Lindsay is coming over tonight and we're going to eat yummy arabic food and then see a pyschic! I'm excited! Tomorrow night is my friend Jackie's bday party!

I miss Provot! <333

Brynleigh turns 2 next Thursday - - she's an April Fool's Day baby! Who wants to come over and help us celebrate?

Other than that, I don't know what's up… I can't wait for summer! I'd like to get a boy to do things with before the summer is over! Even if it's not a "boyfriend" but a boy that's a [best] friend? If that makes any sense… I want to canoe and bike ride and camp and road trips and roller coasters and board games and bonfires and bingo and vegan s'mores and swing at 2am and return bottles at 3am and eat breakfast in bed and all sorts of things like that! Last year the former "we" did a 20 mile canoe trip that lasted I think 7 hours and then the next day did a 15 mile bike ride followed by camping and my famous apple cake that is cooked in the fire! Ask anyone who has had it how amazing it is! It's the strangest thing when it's being prepared and then it turns into yummy goodness in the fire… MmmmMMMmmm… Okay, I just got kind of sad typing this paragraph, so I'm going to stop now.
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