Aug 22, 2006 20:14
I'm so tired from swim practice. Ugh I hate getting up early : [ Today wasn't that bad thoughh. After practice Mandy came over & we watched Pay Check. Her mom came & got her at 1:00. I cleaned for a bit after that. Then I made some food because I was starving since I hadnt had anything to eat all day. I was in a tired/lazy mood all day so I watched Veronica Mars for a couple hours. I still have to clean my house some more tonight since my mom is coming home tomorrow ughh.
A. List 10 things that you want to say to people, but never will.
B. Don't say who they are.
C. Never discuss it again.
1. All you ever do is talk about yourself & it gets extremely annoying. We used to be best friends but yeah now we basically never talk but I'll always love ya!
2. You're a whore. I tell you that you aren't because I don't want you to get mad & stuff, but you are definitely the biggest slut I know. Your bf doesn't deserve you.
3. You are really negative. I hate it!
4. You are the most annoying immature person I know. & I definitely don't want to hang out with you so you can stop calling me.
5. You are bipolar & complain wayy too much.
6. You overreact about everything. It's stupid.
7. You think you're really cool, but you're not. You think you're really smart, but you're in special ed classes. Stop messaging me, it's annoying.
8. You aren't emo. Don't pretend to be, k?!
9. You're a bitch. I can't believe how much you've changed.
10. I hate how you copy me.