hey Sarah..its Courtney, im just commenting on this because this is just one of those topics that always gets to me..I was always taught that once the sperm is fertilized then it has a soul..and knowing the term "mind, body, spirit" ..the spirit is the foremost important part. maybe I am just stubborn and set in my ways but I don’t care how many people tell me that abortion is okay, I will never think it is right or just..I mean, if you think about it..it pretty much tells you in the definition of the word.." the natural expulsion of a fetus from the womb before it is able to survive independently" its telling you that the baby is in the womb BUT of course its not able to survive on its own, I mean these people wouldn’t kill there 2 day old child or their 7 week old child because its unable to survive on their own so there for why should they be able to abort an unborn child, it has a soul, therefor it is a human being..there for it is murder, in my opinion the whole idea is so wrong!...oh and congrats and good luck next year!
well of course its going to be the women’s choice to decide but most of these women that are getting abortions are young and get pregnant when they know they cant provide for the child or when they don’t want it..which is totally selfish, that is a human and still deserves the chance to live. what I don’t understand, if these women cant provide or don’t want the baby then there are always other options such as adoption and homes... -Courtney-
honestly, i feel that if they're too incompetent or immature to take care of a baby, then they're too immature to be having sex. Sex has repercussions such as babies, stds, etcetera. If you're having it, you should be able to deal with them.
Yeah, I gotta agree with Mike. I think a lot of pro-lifers get confused about what being Pro- CHOICE actually means. It doesn't neccessarily mean that the pro-choicer supports abortion, but it does mean that they believe that a woman should be able to decide for herself what is best for her life and body. And I think it is ridiculous and barbaric for the government to try to make a decision for ME...that's like telling someone they can't believe in God, or get plastic surgery, or any other major personal decision.
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