So for my English class we're reading, actually we are supposed to be done with As I Lay Dying. Yes, like the band, rather the band is like the book. And its a pretty damn frustrating book to read. There a tons of different narrators, its all stream of consciousness, the mother doesn't narrate until after she has died. Faulkner is writing some of them with a dialect, so words aren't what they seem. And I think the most frustrating part of all, is that I think I would've really liked this book if I hadn't procrastinated and had actually given myself the time to read the story. But no, instead I did nothing.
According to my color theory professor, SCAD freshman put in more hours and work harder than most other college freshman. Thats why none of us sleep. She said there was some sort of a study, but I don't how legitimate that is. Either way, I'm realizing that socializing is clearly my educational downfall.