Have you ever looked fear in the face?

Apr 17, 2012 01:15

Fear. I dwell in it. Whether I'm trying to conquer it or I'm letting it beat me down, I'm always infatuated. I'm afraid to move forward. I'm afraid to stay behind. To progress or stay stagnant. I'm sorry for wanting more than what I have. I'm afraid to let my emotions out. I also never realized that I kept so much inside. I can't let go of some things. People. Ideas. Dreams. It's like a death grip.

Lately, more than ever, I feel like staring fear in the face. Am I still scared? Yes. Terrified. I just don't care if it scares me anymore. Is that progress? There is a difference between being stubborn and being persistent. There is also a difference from being content or lazy. I wonder if I'm being ambitious or ungrateful... selfish... disrespectful. Is it ok to want things other (important) people don't want for you?

I have so many questions and it feels like the answers are running away from me. 

fear, i am emotional, life

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