What is wrong with you, Potter? I DON'T EVEN OWN A DRESS LET ALONE A PRETTY, FRILLY ONE.
Lucky for you I don't have any mudblmuggleborn lackies who know how to work these Comp Yooters. Otherwise I'd have you frolicking around in girls' knickers for all to see.
It's C-O-M-P-U-T-E-R-S, you ignorant git and sod off. Business about my personal bits aren't any of your concern. I could have gone all the way back to the station if Tonks wasn't there! And other bad things could have happened! And...And why the hell are you even reading this anyway?
What, are you new here? I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE NAMES OF MUGGLE TRASH, and I'm quite proud of it!
For that matter, are you actually implying that I would be upset if more bad things had happened to you? What did you think stomping on your face was, my way of saying "I love you now, Potter, would you be my friend this term?"
And of course, I'm reading this to invade your privacy and make you act like a lunatic.
I'm not going to act like a lunatic merely because you're reading this. It's just kind of freaky, in a stalkerish kind of way. And really creepy. Almost annoying. And...
I'm ignoring you now! I don't have to read anything you say if I don't want to!
Don't go trying to use me as an excuse to give the Weasel new clothes! If he needs new shoes, tell him to go to a bloody store and buy them instead of getting whatever he forages from waste bins.
Lucky for you I don't have any mudblmuggleborn lackies who know how to work these Comp Yooters. Otherwise I'd have you frolicking around in girls' knickers for all to see.
How's your nose feeling?
For that matter, are you actually implying that I would be upset if more bad things had happened to you?
What did you think stomping on your face was, my way of saying "I love you now, Potter, would you be my friend this term?"
And of course, I'm reading this to invade your privacy and make you act like a lunatic.
I'm ignoring you now! I don't have to read anything you say if I don't want to!
And I didn't kill it, I turned it into a boot. It's probably much happier as a boot. Boots don't smell nearly as bad.
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