Sep 03, 2009 09:32
Ohh back to school. Fantasstic isn't it?!?! :(
I can't believe summer is over. Truely. Even though I probably say that at the beginning of each semester, it is still as true as it ever was. I have a lot to look forward to this month, however. Toby Keith Saturday, Labor Day party at Jenns, YANKEE GAMEEE in New York, and Nichole's wedding. October will be mostly boring.. then the countdown to 21 will officially become a clear realization.
The other day Shane said to me.. "I love you because you're retarded. That's who you are and I hope you never change."
It may be the most insane compliment I ever received. :P He got a car.. it's so weird. He drives me around now. It's a nice feeling, though. The best part.. he can leave my house at night after tucking me in instead of me taking him home and just kissing him goodnight :D :D :D :D
Things with my grandparents are becoming worse and worse.. looking for a home for my grandfather because his alzheimers is too bad to keep him home.. my gram is doing alright considering she had both her breasts and ovaries removed.. just have to keep hoping.
I miss everyone out there on LJ. No one updates anymore, I don't see anyone like I used to. Whoever said growing up was fun.. they were dillusional.